"How Much Does a Funeral Cost?"

We are often asked the question: "How much does a funeral cost?" The answer can vary greatly, depending on the type o​f service, the merchandise selected, and other elements. To help you determine the answer to this question, Mueller-Bies Funeral Home has developed this planner to provide you with information that may be useful in planning funeral services, or in comparing our charges with other funeral establishments. (Click here to download the planner in a printer-friendly format.)

The total cost of a funeral consists of three components:

Part 1: Services - The specific procedures, facilities, events, and transportation provided by the funeral home

Part 2: Merchandise - Caskets, burial vaults, urns, or other material goods purchased directly from the funeral home

Part 3: Cash Advances - Items purchased from/paid to third parties, such as cemetery charges, obituaries, flowers, clergy stipends, etc. 

Part I: Services     "What type of funeral do I want?"

The first step in estimating your funeral cost is determining what type of funeral you wish to have. There are many different options. They range from immediate disposition options such as direct burial/direct cremation with no additional rites or ceremonies, to complete traditional funerals with viewing of the body and full funeral rituals.

 Note: Traditional funerals may be followed by burial or cremation. The "Services" charges usually are not significantly affected by this choice, but the subsequent "Merchandise" and "Cash Advances" costs will typically be higher for casketed burial after the funeral than for cremation afterwards.

Sample total "Services" prices for some of the more common basic funeral formats are as follows:

  • Complete, traditional funeral with viewing & visitation evening prior                   $ 6200.00
  • Traditional funeral with viewing & visitation one hour prior to service only          5700.00
  • Funeral with visitation evening prior, with no viewing (closed casket)                       5400.00
  • Funeral with visitation one hour prior, with no viewing (closed casket)                    4900.00
  • Direct cremation with memorial service and visitation evening prior                        4600.00
  • Direct cremation with memorial service and visitation one hour prior                     4100.00
  • Direct burial with graveside service                                                                                                3750.00
  • Direct cremation with no attendant rites or ceremonies                                                   3400.00

These sample totals include all applicable transportation, facilities, service, and care of remains charges. Costs may vary from these figures depending on certain circumstances, such as location, sequence of events, or evening/weekend services. While the sample totals are generally representative of these types of service, please remember they are approximations. Please see our GENERAL PRICE LIST for itemization and specific details. 

Part II: Merchandise     "Do I need a casket? A burial vault? An urn?"

A) Caskets: Services with the body present for viewing and/or services that involve burial of the body require a casket. A rental casket can be used if cremation follows a visitation or funeral; a steel rental casket is available for $1115, and a poplar for $1455. A casket is not necessary if direct cremation is desired; the required basic cremation container is included in our direct cremation charge. Every casket we stock is manufactured in North America, and the price of burial caskets ranges from $1170 to $3870. Prices are as follows: 

  • Solid Oak w/Veneer — $3870
  • Solid Poplar — $3720
  • Solid Ash w/Veneer - $3365
  • Solid Poplar w/Veneer - $2850
  • 18 Gauge Steel — $2505, $2820, $3090, $3295, $3720
  • Solid Oak — $2410, $3370
  • Solid Pine - $2670, $2970
  • 20 Gauge Steel — $1435, $1585, $1745, $2040, $2240, $2565, $2810, $2915, $3015, $3030
  • Cloth Covered Particle Board — $1170
  • Rental Caskets (Cremation Only) — 18 Gauge Steel — $1115   Solid Poplar — $1455

The casket you select can be a major portion of the overall funeral expense, and so we feel it is important to offer you a wide selection of caskets in an affordable range. We carry ten models priced under $2800, five of which are less than $2300; our highest-priced models are under $3900. At the funeral home, rather than display pictures or endpieces for you to select from, we stock the full caskets at both locations. This gives you the ability to see the actual casket you are purchasing to ensure its quality. Many of our caskets may also be available from our suppliers in multiple colors and styles, further increasing your selection options (although additional time for delivery may be required). Please see our Caskets page for more information.

B) Burial Vaults: Most cemeteries require an outer burial container, or “vault”, for in-ground casketed burial. This is not a law, but a policy adopted by most cemeteries to prevent the long-term coll apse of the grave. A vault is not required if you own an above-ground crypt, or if you own a space called a “lawn crypt” with a vault pre-installed by the cemetery. Additionally, some cemeteries offer “green burials” that do not require a vault; certain restrictions may need to be adhered to in these cases, however, such as wood caskets and no embalming. If you are burying at Fort Snelling National Cemetery, the VA will provide a minimum grave liner at no charge to you, or refund $254 toward the purchase of an upgraded vault. Prices for casketed outer burial containers/vaults range as follows:

  • Grave Liner (basic concrete maintenance shell) - $1680
  • Single Reinforced Vault (concrete construction, plastic liner, sealed) - $2130
  • Single Reinforced Vault (heavy concrete construction, plastic liner, sealed) -$2575
  • Single Reinforced Vault (heavy concrete construction, ABS liner, sealed) - $3125
  • Double Reinforced Vault (extra heavy concrete construction, ABS and stainless steel liners, sealed) - $4220
  • Double Reinforced Vault (extra heavy concrete construction, ABS and copper liners, sealed) - $4870
  • Double Reinforced Vault (extra heavy concrete construction, ABS and bronze liners, sealed) - $5220

Our price of each Outer Burial Container/Vault INCLUDES delivery, installation, & lowering device charges imposed by the suppliers of these units, as well as a tent for the committal service. Please see our Burial Vaults page for more information.

C) Urns: If the body is to be cremated, an urn is often selected to house the cremated remains. After cremation, the cremated remains are placed in a simple cardboard box. If the cremation takes place before services, the ashes might be placed in an urn and set at the front of the church or chapel to represent the deceased, and possibly later interred. If cremating after services, an urn may be desired for interment or for display at home. Cemeteries may have minimum urn requirements, or size limitations if placing in a niche. We carry approximately three dozen styles of urns on hand, many in multiple colors or designs. Hundreds more are available from our suppliers, time permitting. Keepsakes and pendants are also available if you wish to retain small portions of the ashes. Prices for the full-size urns we carry on hand range as follows:

  • Solid Cedar - $330
  • Solid Birch - $310
  • Solid Cherry - $270
  • Solid Walnut - $325, $360
  • Solid Oak - $255, $325
  • Marble - $220, $255
  • MDF - $155, $175, $245, $310
  • Brass - $135, $155, $160, $195, $220, $230, $235, $245, $250, $255, $260, $265, $270, $275, $460
  • Rosewood - $100
  • Sheet Bronze - $95
  • Aluminum - $70, $180, $255
  • Polypropylene Plastic - $10 (included w/cremation at no additional charge)

Please see our Urns page for more information.

D) Urn Vaults: If burying cremated remains in-ground at a cemetery, an urn vault may be required. At many cemeteries, this is included in their fee for burial. Even if not required, some people choose to place the urn inside an urn vault for additional protection. An urn vault is not required if the ashes are to be placed in an above-ground niche. Please review your cemetery’s policies to determine if you will need to purchase an urn vault. Prices range as follows:

  • Economy (Polypropylene plastic, sealed, velour liner) - $135
  • Grave Liner (Basic concrete) - $335
  • Plastic Grave Liner (High-impact plastic) - $520
  • Single Reinforced Vault (Concrete construction, plastic liner) - $725
  • Double Reinforced Vault (Concrete construction, ABS & stainless steel liners) - $1100

Please see our Urn Vaults page for more information.

Part III: Cash Advance Items     "What about Obituaries? Flowers? Lunch?"

Cash advance items are funeral-related goods and services that are not provided directly by the funeral home, but are instead purchased from outside sources as needed. Funeral homes may not mark these charges up in any way. For your convenience, we can purchase and/or arrange for these items and pay the individual vendors involved; we do ask for payment of these items by the day of the services. Below is a list of common cash advance items.

  • Certified copies of a death certificate: In Minnesota, these copies cost $13 for the first copy and $6 for each copy thereafter. They are purchased from the state and are needed for insurance, title transfers and other financial transactions.


  • Cemetery charges: Costs vary among cemeteries. We will assume for this purpose you have already purchased the grave lots from the cemetery. Local interment fees (their charge to open and close the grave) for casketed burial generally range from $1400 to $2000, and for cremated remains it typically ranges from $1100 to $1700. At Fort Snelling, graves, interment and markers are provided at no cost to those eligible.

  • Crematory charge: The crematory charge is currently $275. This is included in our charge for immediate cremation, but assessed separately when cremation occurs following services.     


  • Clergy/Church honorarium: It is customary to offer the clergy or church that is conducting the funeral service an honorarium. This is typically about $300.

  • Music honorarium: If there are musicians involved in the service, their fees are normally around $175 each.

  • Obituary Notices: Obituary notices are charged by the line in Minneapolis and St. Paul; the longer the notice, the more expensive the price. The average cost for one day’s notice is approximately $350-$400 per paper; adding a photo increases the per day cost by about $125. 

  • Flowers: Floral costs vary among florists. Family bouquets usually cost $175 to $400 per arrangement. 

  • Motorcycle escorts: If a funeral procession is planned, at least one escort is necessary to control traffic. Additional escorts may be needed depending on size of procession and distance to be travelled. The charge is $275 plus sales tax, per escort.

  • Coroner Cremation Approval Fee: If cremation is desired, the cremation MUST be approved by the medical examiner that has jurisdiction in the county in which the death occurred. Most medical examiners charge for this approval and the fees usually range from $50 to $100.

  • Luncheon: If a luncheon is to be held, the cost will vary depending on the location, the food, and the number served. Church-provided luncheons typically cost no more than $200-$500, while catered luncheons can cost anywhere from several hundred dollars to well over $1000. A good estimate for catered luncheons is approximately $15 per plate.   

Part IV: Miscellaneous     "What about all those 'extra costs' I often hear about?"

There is often a perception - unfortunately, sometimes justified - that funeral homes will try to “nickel-and-dime” you with various miscellaneous hidden fees and charges. At Mueller-Bies, we believe in being straightforward and clear. We strive to be as upfront and simple in our pricing as we can. We do not surprise you with add-on charges for many commonly assessed items, such as:

  • One-hour visitation prior to funeral or memorial service – Included at no additional charge in our fee for Funeral Ceremony or Memorial Service. Additional hours of visitation after the first are $150/hour.
  • Register book, memorial folders/cards, acknowledgement cards, and cross/crucifix – These items are complimentary. Other funeral providers will charge hundreds of dollars for this package.
  • Planning of memorial services elsewhere - In the case of direct cremation or burial, you may opt to not have our staff in attendance at memorial services held outside of the funeral home. Full assistance in planning and coordinating of these types of services is still included in our basic service charges, even if we won’t be physically present at them.
  • Submitting obituaries to newspapers – We consider placing the obituary to be a basic service, and do not charge to submit notices to the newspaper on your behalf. Obituary charges will only be the exact amount charged to us by the paper.
  • Online obituary on funeral home website – We will gladly place an obituary on our website at no charge, with no restrictions on length.
  • After-hours service calls – Many funeral providers have surcharges if the death occurs at night or on a weekend. Our charge for transportation of the body is always the same, be it day or night, weekday or weekend, workday or holiday. We feel you shouldn’t be penalized just because your loss occurred outside normal working hours.
  • Storage of remains/refrigeration – If it is necessary to store or refrigerate the body for a period of time prior to services or disposition, there will be no additional charges.
  • Care of autopsied remains – Occasionally the circumstances of the death require an autopsy be performed. This is almost always beyond the control of the family, and thus we feel it is unfair to assess additional surcharges specifically to care for the autopsied remains.                                                                                 
  • Private family viewing prior to direct cremation/burial – Viewing of the body and paying last respects are an integral part of the grieving process. Should any member of the immediate family need an opportunity to privately say goodbye prior to direct cremation/burial, they will have an opportunity to do so here in the comfortable setting of the funeral home at no charge.
  • Cremation container – When cremating, a container meeting minimum requirements set by state regulation is required to house the body during transportation and cremation. We include this minimum container in our direct cremation charge. Not only do some providers not include the container in their advertised price, they may try to sell you an unnecessary, more expensive container as well.
  • Vault delivery, installation, and tent at cemetery - Included with vault purchase. Many funeral homes will charge these as cash advance items, potentially adding hundreds of unforeseen dollars to the posted price of the vault. Our vault prices already have these fees built-in, so the vault will not cost you more than advertised. *Please note: some cemeteries do not allow installation of these items by the vault company and will charge you directly for their installations.
  • Interest - No interest charged on balances due for 60 days.
  • Credit card fees - No additional fees for paying by credit card.
  • Membership Fees” – We are grateful for your consideration of Mueller-Bies as your chosen funeral provider. We would never charge you a fee to simply place your name on a list.
  • Guarantee for pre-paid funeral expenses - If the total Funeral Home charges (Services & Merchandise) are paid in advance, they will never cost the family any more out of pocket, no matter how much prices rise in the future. Some funeral homes will charge you an added fee to “lock-in” your guarantee – many others simply don’t offer a guarantee at all. (Please note that Cash Advance items cannot be guaranteed.)

An additional aspect of our straightforward pricing philosophy is that our overhead expenses are part of our basic service charges. Since we charge what we need to up front, follow-on services and merchandise are priced near the actual cost of providing them to you. This means you will not be subjected to upselling or pressure tactics in an attempt to make you spend more, as our fixed expenses have already been met. We tailor the funeral services to the needs of you and your family, not to the needs of our budget.

Many funeral homes will advertise low initial prices to bring you in, but subsequent items will often be greatly overpriced, aggressively pushed, or part of costly and unnecessary service and merchandise bundles. With our pricing structure, our focus is free to be on providing the best possible service to you, not on our bottom line. 

This planner is meant as an aid in estimating total funeral services cost, and it is not a final statement of costs that may be incurred. Please note that there are items not covered in this planner that may result in addition al charges, such as livestreaming, recording, casket, urn or vault customizations, miscellaneous memorial merchandise, etc. Additional fees may be incurred if funeral or memorial services take place on an evening or weekend. There may also be variations in the service charges listed depending on location and order of service. See the General Price List for details. Please contact us or consult with your funeral director to receive a complete, thorough, detailed estimate of your specific service needs.

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